Monday, September 28, 2009

A Trip to the Doctor's Office

Mason and Alex got their vaccination against the flu today. Instead of a shot they got a squirt in the nose, which was no big deal since they're used to me squirting them with saline when they get a cold. The best part for them was that they each got a sucker. The best part for me was that they got weighed and measured!

Mason: 31 lbs / 50-75th % 34 1/2" / 5th %

Alex: 31 lbs / 50-75th % 35" / 5-10th %

I find it amazing how close they stay in height and weight.

1 comment:

Rhianna's Memories said...

That's amazing that they're so close in size!! Dang, my monster-kid weighed that much at a little over a year!!