Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

What a great day so far...

We woke up a little before 7:00 and went out to eat for breakfast with my parents, Jaime and Davon at the Isle of Capri (thanks Jaime!!!!). The food was great and we had lots of fun. When we got home we went in the garage and I got my Mother's Day present, a Dappled Willow Tree! It's a decorative tree that will only get to be about 8 feet in height. It has beautiful pink flowers and the branches will turn red in the winter. I've read that you can do some pretty extensive pruning at the end of the season and I absolutely love trimming trees.

Then we went to the Western Home to visit with Grandma Ruth for a bit with my aunt Ginger and Uncle Gary. When it was time for her to go to lunch we stopped by to see if Grandma Meyer was around but she wasn't there. We left her Mother's Day gift on her bed and can't wait to hear how she likes it.

The boys are down for a nap right now, Jason just finished using the 4-wheeler and lawn sweeper and is playing a new video game. I've got just a little while to update this post before Jim and Connie come over to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with us.

This is exactly how I want to spend my Mother's Day. Beautiful weather, no stress and lots of time with my family. I wouldn't change a thing.