Monday, June 22, 2009

Come on over to Adventureland...

Alex Mason

Mason & Alex had a wonderful time at Adventureland on Saturday with me, Jason & my parents. Mason was a little concerned when we tried to put him on the carosel for the first time. But I held on tight and as soon as he figured out what was going on he had a lot of fun. We went on the tea cups, the train, the Infant Ocean, the hot air balloons, the lady bugs, the semis and the Tornado (just me & Jason). The weather was really hot and humid so we were glad the lines weren't too long.

We ate a nice picnic lunch in the shade and by 2:30 the boys had fallen asleep in the stroller so we decided at 3:00 that it was time to head home.

Mason was so glad to be home to play with his toys that he couldn't even wait to get his pajamas on after his bath to start playing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Road Trip!

Has it really been over a month since my last post??? I definitely need to do a better job of keeping this blog up to date.

On Saturday we went to Jackson, Sierra & Bonnie's birthday party at Clayton Hills Campground. It's just under a 2 hour drive so I packed plenty of movies and snacks for the trip. Mason, Alex and I went with Davon and Grandma S. We left at 11:00 so we stopped for lunch at McDonalds in Dyersville. Mason & Alex LOVE McDonalds. We had a lot of fun (wiggly and wild) at the birthday party and the potluck was great! If you ever get the chance to go to a Clayton Hills Campground potluck, don't pass it up.