Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Brady

Brady's 1 already, I just can't believe it.  He didn't stay a baby long at all.  Having 5 year old twin brothers must have been quite a motivation for him because he started walking at 10 1/2 months and hasn't looked back since.  At age 1 Brady has 4 teeth, he isn't saying any words yet but he points and grunts/growls to let us know he wants something.  He is such a cute little guy and very smart, too.  For example, if he isn't supposed to have something, he will grab it and run away from us so we can't catch him.  What a stinker!

We celebrated Brady's birthday party with our family at our church.  His wonderful babysitter, Stephanie, made an awesome John Deere cake for everyone and even a special birthday cake just for Brady.

Brady didn't really understand what he was supposed to do with his cake so Mason & Alex pitched in to show him how it was done.  Even when they were getting messy he just carefully picked at the cake with his fingers.  He definitely doesn't waste food!

 Mason and Alex were even nice enough to help Brady open all of the wonderful birthday gifts.  He's a pretty lucky guy to have brothers who are so willing to pitch in and give him a hand.  :)