Saturday, January 9, 2010

Alex's Long Week

Alex has had quite the week. Last Friday we took him to the doctors office because he had an ear infection in both ears. He had been running a fever, was very whiney and was sticking his fingers in his ears. We saw a different doctor and he asked us if we were aware Alex has a heart murmur. What??? Well it's what they call an "innocent murmur", which means it's very quiet and won't have any complications...very common in kids and nothing to worry about. We got a prescription for amoxicillin and were on our way.

On Thursday I noticed Alex was getting a mild rash on his legs & core, but it didn't look serious. After his bath it got worse & I called our doctor's office. When I described the rash she said it sounded like it was viral, probably linked to the ear infection.

On Friday, Alex had an accident at daycare. He hit his head on the table and split it open right on the inside of his eyebrow. Stephanie thought he might need stitches to I took him to see our doctor. He ended up getting 3 butterfly stitches (tape) and it should be healed in 5 days and there shouldn't be a scar. About the's not viral, it's an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. He's taking Zyrtec now to help get rid of all the spots and can't have any medications with penicillin again.


Anonymous said...

Poor little man... :( Hope he gets to feeling better soon!!!


Laura said...

Oh, that's too bad. That rash does not look fun. He seems to be in good spirits, despite all the stuff going on..good for him.

I'm allergic to all medications in that family too...can be a pain, but manageable.

Hope his head heals up nicely....boys seem to be more rambuncious that girls, at least I see it with Connor already.

Take Care!